Sketch and explain actual port timing diagram for two stroke engine.
1 Answer
  • According to the diagram the exhaust port is uncovered at about 43° before BDC. The inlet valve is still closed. This marks the end of expansion stroke. This removes the exhaust while the piston has still not reached BDC.
  • When piston is at position of 35° before BDC the inlet valve also opens and the fresh charge is induced, simultaneously driving away the remaining exhaust.
  • Both valves remain open till 35° after BDC when the inlet port closes and the piston is on its way to the TDC.
  • When piston is 43° after BDC the exhaust port closes marking the start of compression stroke since the cylinder is completely closed now.
  • Ignition occurs in advance at position of 20 before TDC and starts the expansion stroke that continues till position of 43 before BDC and the cycle continues.

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