written 8.6 years ago by
★ 69k
modified 8.6 years ago
The index of refraction varies smoothly and continuously over the diameter of core.
Graded Index Fiber does not have a constant refractive index in the core. Due to this property they are also called inhomogeneous core fibers.
It has a decreasing core index n(r) with radial distance from a maximum value of $n_1$ at the axis to a constant value $n_2$ beyond the core radius a in the cladding.
The index variation is given by
Where, $\Delta$= relative refractive index difference
$\alpha$ = profile parameter which gives the characteristics refractive index profile of the fiber core.
= infinity, $ \ \ \ $ step index profile
$\alpha$= 2, $ \ \ \ $ parabolic profile
$\alpha$= 1, $ \ \ \ $ triangular profile
Graded index fiber has transmission bit rate higher than multimode step index fiber because the limitation in the bandwidth of a fiber due to dispersion is usually with regards to a RTZ (return to zero) code where the digital bit rate is equal to the bandwidth in hertz, Where as in NRTZ (Non return to zero) code maximum bandwidth is one half the maximum bit rate.
The pulse broadening is associated with fiber type.
Multimode step index fiber exhibits maximum dispersion of transmitted light pulse where as graded index fiber has better performance and hence has higher bit rate.