Surveying and Geomatics Question Paper - Dec 18 - Civil Engineering (Semester 3) - Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTUH)
1 Answer

Surveying and Geomatics - Dec 18

Civil Engineering (Semester 3)

Total marks: 70
Total time: 3 Hours
(1) Question 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any three from the remaining questions.
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.


1.a. What are the primary classifications of surveying?
(2 marks) 00

1.b. What are the advantages of observing back bearing in a closed traverse?
(3 marks) 00

1.c. What do you mean by the following terms?

i) Meridian distance ii) Double meridian dist iii)Double parallel distance

(2 marks) 00

1.d. What are the method of determination of area from plan?
(3 marks) 00

1.e. What are the conditions to be satisfied n a closed theodolite traverse?
(2 marks) 00

1.f. What are advantages of traversing over triangulation?
(3 marks) 00

1.g. What are the advantages of Tacheometric surveying over other methods?
(2 marks) 00

1.h. What is meant by Shift of a curve?
(3 marks) 00

1.i. Mention advantages of using Total station.
(2 marks) 00

1.j. Explain briefly the working principle of GPS.
(3 marks) 00


2.a. Give in a tabular form, the difference between prismatic compass and surveyor's compass.
(6 marks) 00

2.b. Describe how you would range a survey line between two points which are not intervisible.
(4 marks) 00


3.a. Define surveying. What are the-principles of surveying? Explain-them briefly.
(5 marks) 00

3.b. What is Magnetic declination? What are different types of variation in declination?
(5 marks) 00

4. What is meant by "area of zero circle" of a planimeter? How would you determine it?
(10 marks) 00


5.a. Discuss the characteristics of contours. Give suitable sketches.
(5 marks) 00

5.b. Explain the method of computation of volume by Prismoidal formula.
(5 marks) 00

6.a. Explain the temporary adjustments of a transit.
(5 marks) 00

6.b. What are various checks to be e performed on closed and open traverse?
(5 marks) 00


7. Form the elevation of the chimney from the following data

Instrument Station Reading on B(m) Angle of elevation Remarks
A 0.862 $18^{0} 36^{\prime}$ R.L of B.M
B 1.222 $10^{0} 12^{\prime}$ =421.380m

Distance AB=50m

Stations A and B and the top of chimney are in the same vertical plane.

(10 marks) 00

8.a. What do you understand by tacheometery? Discuss the errors in stadia surveying.
(5 marks) 00

8.b. List the various methods of setting out a simple circular curve.
(5 marks) 00


9. Two straights Ac and BC meet at an inaccessible point C. They are to be connected by a simple curve of radius 12 chains. Two points P and Q are selected on AC and BC respectively and the following measurements are made ,

Angle APQ=$160^{\circ}$ ; Angle BQP=$164^{\circ}$ ; PQ=86m.

Chainage of P=71.546 chains.


a) The deflection angle of the curve

b) Tangent length

c) Length of the curve

d) Chainage of the end points of the curve

Take 1 chain=20m.

(10 marks) 00

10.a. Describe the salient features of a total station and explain how angles are measured using it.
(5 marks) 00

10.b. How ambiguity of the distance measured is removed in an EDM instrument . Illustrate with a n example.
(5 marks) 00


11.a. Write a short note on the errors in EDM.
(5 marks) 00

11.b. Suggest possible users of a GPS and how it might benefit them.
(5 marks) 00

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