written 8.6 years ago by |
Quantization is a process that converts sampled signal into an approximate quantized signal which consists of only a finite number of predecided voltage levels.
It is a process of rounding off or approximation.
Each sampled value at the input of the quantizer is approximated or rounded off to the nearest standard predecided voltage level.
These standard levels are known as “quantization level”
The quantization process takes place as follows:
The input signal x (t) is assumed to have a peak to peak swing of $V_L$ to $V_H$ volts. This entire voltage range has been divided into “Q” equal intervals each of size “s”
“s” is called as the step size and its value is given as,
In the fig, the value of Q =8
$q_0, q_1……. q_7$ are the quantization levels also called as decision threshold.
-$ x_q$(t) represents the quantized version of x (t).We obtain $x_q$(t) at the output of the quantizer When x(t) is in the range $∆_0$ then corresponding to any value of x(t) the quantizer output will be equal to “$q_0$”. Similarly for all the values of x (t) in the range ∆1 quantizer output will be equal to “$q_1$”
Thus in each range from $∆_1$ to $∆_7$ the signal x(t) is rounded off to the nearest quantization level and the quantized signal is produced.
The quantized signal $x_q$(t) is thus an approximation of x (t).
The difference between them is called as quantization error or quantization noise.
This error should be as small as possible.
To minimize the quantization error step size “s” should be small as possible which is done by increasing the number of quantization level Q.