written 7.1 years ago by | modified 5.8 years ago by |
Diaphragm walls are underground structural elements commonly used for retention systems and permanent foundation walls.
Diaphragm walls provide a water tight barrier and are constructed with a minimum back slope subsidence.
They are formed from reinforced concrete and are constructed as normal castin-situ walls panel by panel.
The typical sequence of work includes:
Construct the guide wall
Excavation to form the diaphragm wall trench
Support the trench cutting using bentonite slurry.
Insert reinforcement and placing of concrete to form the wall panel.
As a retention wall
As a cut-off provision to support deep excavation
As the final wall for basement or other underground structure (eg. Tunnel and shaft)
As a separating structure between major underground facilities
As a foundation (barrette pile-rectangular pile).