Draw the structure of quartz crystal and explain its various axes.

Mumbai university > FE > SEM 1 > Applied Physics 1

Marks: 3M

Year: May 2014

1 Answer

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  • Quartz crystal has a hexagonal prism structure.

  • Z-axis runs along the length of the crystal and is called optical axis.

  • The physical properties repeat themselves after every 1200 rotation about Z-axis.

  • The X-axis or the electric axis is parallel to a line bisecting the angles between adjacent prism faces.

  • Electric polarization occurs along this direction when the mechanical pressure is applied.

  • The Y-axis, which is also known as the mechanical axis, is at right angles to the face of prism and also to the X-axis.

  • The deformation caused due to electric field is seen in this direction.

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